Thursday, January 12, 2012

dr mohamed saker posts

dr mohamed saker posts

  • ‎*alpha 1 agonist contra'indicated in cardiogenic shock due to present of decreasing blood flow to organs and alpha 1 agonist make vasoconstriction decreasing blood flow to organs .

    * septic shock is presence of infection in the bovy making release of inflammatory madiators making severe vasodilation making hypotension must give alpha 1 agonist to make vasoconstriction and increasing blood pressure

    * betablocker treatment hypertension due to blocking beta 1 receptor in the heart making decreasing in heart rate + decreasing cardiac output and blocking of bata 1 receptor in the kidney juxtaglomerular cells decreasing renin and decreasing angiotensin II make V.D + blocking of beta 2 receptor in the sympathetic nerve decreasing NA release + inhibit sympathetic outflow centrally from sympathetic center 

    * use carvidelol , metoprolol , bisoprolol in treatment of heart failure due to prevention of excessive sympathetic discharge on the heart + carvidelol making alpha blocker activity making V.D in artery and veins making decreasing afterload and preload making resting of heart

    • ‎* All drugs acting selectively on enzyme , ion channel , carrier , receptor EXCEPT general anaesthetic and alcohol .
      * addition of antagonist to agonist shift log dose - response curve to the right .
      * ارقام vd

    ‎* NE making incresaing of P.R by activation of alpha receptor in the blood vessels making increasing of B.P leads to activation of baroreceptor activate cardiac inhibitory center releasing of acetylcholine from vagus nerve making bradycardia -ve chronotropic effect هامة جدااااااااااااااااااااااااااااامتحان+epinephrine making activation of beta 2 receptor in the blood vessel more than alpha1 receptor making vasodilation more than vasoconstriction leads to decreasing total P.R leads to decreasing B.P .

    • ‎* Epinephrine in large dose making activation of alpha1 more than beta2 making vasoconstriction leads to increasing of diastole in large dose only .
      epinephrine large dose making reflex bradycardia like norepinephrine .

      • ‎* fermented food like old cheese containing of tyramine making increase of releas of NA from sympathetic nerve and MAO enzyme break it but if you taking MAO inhibitor with tyramine containg food making hypertensive crisis due to accumulation of NA without breakdown of it .

        ‎* stable angina is effort angina cause due to atherosclerosis in coronary arteries making loss of elasticity in coronaries when exert effort increasing heart work with no increase in oxygen blodd supply from coronaries leadsto pain of angina to treatment it give beta blocker to block beta1 receptor in the heart to make decreasing heart work to prevent occuranceof angina .
        * variant angina has not atherosclerosis making by vasoconstriction of lcoronary artery during rest must treatment by vasodilator like ca+2 channel blocker + nitrates and contra'indicated use of beta blocker due to block beta 2 receptor in the coronaries making predominates effect of alpha 1 receptor in the blood vessel making vasoconstriction of coronaries making increase in angina symptoms .
    هو ليه ال alpha 1 agonists بنستخدمها في علاج ال cardiogenic we septic shock we el hypovalemic la2 :S
    ويعني ايه septic aslan ?
    سؤال تانى بقي في البلوكير بتاعة ال beta
    ازاي بتعالج ال hypertension
    وازاي ال selctive beta 1 blocker بنستخدمها في علاج ال heart failure ؟
    ياريت اللى فاهم يفهمني :(((
    · · · about an hour ago

  • Ahmed Ibrahim likes this.

  • Talta Fopcu لو محدش جاوب هنخلي الدكتور محمد صقر لما يقعد يجاوب إن شاء الله

    Mohamed Sakr

    about an hour ago · · 1

  • Mohamed Sakr alpha 1 agonist contra'indicated in cardiogenic shock due to present of decreasing blood flow to organs and alpha 1 agonist make vasoconstriction decreasing blood flow to organs .
    27 minutes ago · · 1

  • Mohamed Sakr septic shock is presence of infection in the bovy making release of inflammatory madiators making severe vasodilation making hypotension must give alpha 1 agonist to make vasoconstriction and increasing blood pressure
    25 minutes ago · · 1

  • Mohamed Sakr dopamine is first choice in treatment of cardiogenic shock due to making increasing cardiac output through acting on beta 1 receptor and making vasodilation of blood vessels making increase of blood flow through acting on dopamine receptor
    21 minutes ago · · 1

  • Mohamed Sakr betablocker treatment hypertension due to blocking beta 1 receptor in the heart making decreasing in heart rate + decreasing cardiac output and blocking of bata 1 receptor in the kidney juxtaglomerular cells decreasing renin and decreasing angiotensin II make V.D + blocking of beta 2 receptor in the sympathetic nerve decreasing NA release + inhibit sympathetic outflow centrally from sympathetic center
    17 minutes ago · · 1

  • Mohamed Sakr use carvidelol , metoprolol , bisoprolol in treatment of heart failure due to prevention of excessive sympathetic discharge on the heart + carvidelol making alpha blocker activity making V.D in artery and veins making decreasing afterload and preload making resting of heart
    12 minutes ago · · 1

  • Rania Mohammed دكتور شكرا جداااااا لحضرتك بجد :)
    2 minutes ago ·
    • Talta Fopcu Mohamed Sakr

      in phaechromocytoma tumour in adrenal medulla treatment by alpha blocker to decreasing B.P + use beta blocker to prevent tachycardia like labetalol .
      50 minutes ago ·
    • Talta Fopcu Kholoud Osama

      hwa eh el far2 ben el ( stable angina ) and ( varient angina ) ?

      Mohamed Sakr

      stable angina is effort angina cause due to atherosclerosis in coronary arteries making loss of elasticity in coronaries when exert effort increasing heart work with no increase in oxygen blodd supply from coronaries leadsto pain of angina to treatment it give beta blocker to block beta1 receptor in the heart to make decreasing heart work to prevent occuranceof angina

      Mohamed Sakr

      variant angina has not atherosclerosis making by vasoconstriction of lcoronary artery during rest must treatment by vasodilator like ca+2 channel blocker + nitrates and contra'indicated use of beta blocker due to block beta 2 receptor in the coronaries making predominates effect of alpha 1 receptor in the blood vessel making vasoconstriction of coronaries making increase in angina symptoms .
      49 minutes ago ·
    • Rania Mohammed myocardial infarction is death of part of the heart due to thrombus in coronary artery which supply heart by oxygenated blood while heart failure is decreasing contractility of the heart not able to pump the blood to the body :
      48 minutes ago · · 1
    • Talta Fopcu Rania Mohammed

      هو ليه ال alpha 1 agonists بنستخدمها في علاج ال cardiogenic we septic shock we el hypovalemic la2 :S
      ويعني ايه septic aslan ?
      سؤال تانى بقي في البلوكير بتاعة ال beta
      ازاي بتعالج ال hypertension
      وازاي ال selctive beta 1 blocker بنستخدمها في علاج ال heart failure ؟

      Mohamed Sakr

      alpha 1 agonist contra'indicated in cardiogenic shock due to present of decreasing blood flow to organs and alpha 1 agonist make vasoconstriction decreasing blood flow to organs .

      septic shock is presence of infection in the bovy making release of inflammatory madiators making severe vasodilation making hypotension must give alpha 1 agonist to make vasoconstriction and increasing blood pressure

      dopamine is first choice in treatment of cardiogenic shock due to making increasing cardiac output through acting on beta 1 receptor and making vasodilation of blood vessels making increase of blood flow through acting on dopamine receptor

      betablocker treatment hypertension due to blocking beta 1 receptor in the heart making decreasing in heart rate + decreasing cardiac output and blocking of bata 1 receptor in the kidney juxtaglomerular cells decreasing renin and decreasing angiotensin II make V.D + blocking of beta 2 receptor in the sympathetic nerve decreasing NA release + inhibit sympathetic outflow centrally from sympathetic center

      use carvidelol , metoprolol , bisoprolol in treatment of heart failure due to prevention of excessive sympathetic discharge on the heart + carvidelol making alpha blocker activity making V.D in artery and veins making decreasing afterload and preload making resting of heart
      47 minutes ago ·
    • Talta Fopcu مهمة جداااااااا والدكتور محمد صقر مجمعها بطريقة ممتازة

      * M1 , M3 , Alpha 1 is Gq increasing DAG+IP3 Increasing Ca+2 bind to calmodulin .
      * Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3 is Gs activate adenyl cyclase increasing CAmp .
      * M2 , Alpha 2 is Gi which inhibit adenyl cyclase decreasing CAmp .
      46 minutes ago · · 2
    • Talta Fopcu ‎* DAG is lipophilic present in lipid membrane making activation of phospholipase C .
      * IP3 is hydrophilic present in the cytoplasm making increasing of Ca+2 .
      44 minutes ago · · 1
    ياريت نجمع الاختصارات هنا عشان انا اتعقدت منهم
    · · · 4 hours ago

  • Ahmed Mustafa isop=Isoprenaline
    4 hours ago · · 1

  • Ahmed Mustafa p.o >>oral rout
    4 hours ago · · 2

  • Ahmed Mustafa ‎.nvd>>>nausea..vomitting..diahrea
    4 hours ago · · 2

  • Ahmed Mustafa camp>>>>cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
    4 hours ago · · 2

    3 hours ago · · 2

    3 hours ago · · 2

  • Zainab Nabil IL=INTERLEUKIN
    3 hours ago · · 2

  • Ahmed Mustafa MAO>>>> monoamine oxidase
    3 hours ago · · 2

  • Ahmed Mustafa COMT>>.>.Catechol-O-methyl transferase
    3 hours ago · · 3

    3 hours ago · · 2

  • Talta Fopcu UT = urinary tract
    3 hours ago · · 2

  • Talta Fopcu RT = respiratpry tract
    3 hours ago · · 4

  • Talta Fopcu NMB = neuro muscular blocker
    3 hours ago · · 3

  • Talta Fopcu NVD = nausea vomting dihhrea
    3 hours ago · · 3

  • Mariam Gamal CHF >>> congestive heart failure
    3 hours ago · · 6

    3 hours ago · · 4

  • Soaad Mohamed ADR=advers drug reaction =side effect
    3 hours ago via mobile · · 4

  • Soaad Mohamed IOP=intra occular pressure
    3 hours ago via mobile · · 5

  • Soaad Mohamed CO=cardiac out put
    3 hours ago via mobile · · 2

  • Soaad Mohamed SA=sino atrial _pR=prephral resistance
    3 hours ago via mobile · · 3

  • Soaad Mohamed BBB=blood brain bariar/NO=nitrogn oxid
    3 hours ago via mobile · · 4

  • Marina Esprjant slud = salivation lacrimation urinary defecation
    2 hours ago · · 2

  • Mai Hashad Nn: nicotinic neural & Nm: Nicotinic muscle & D: dopamine & CGMP:cyclic guanosine monophosphate & EDRF:endothelium derived releasing factor
    42 minutes ago ·

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